Katarzyna Tubylewicz

Katarzyna Tubylewicz

A writer, cultural scholar, and a translator from Swedish. The author of novels „Własne miejsca” [“Your Own Places”], „Rówieśniczki” [“Peers”] and „Ostatnia powieść Marcela” [“Marcel’s Last Novel”], as well as the editor of the celebrated anthology „Szwecja czyta. Polska czyta” [“Sweden Reads. Poland Reads”]. In 2017 she published a new book, entitled Moraliści. Jak Szwedzi uczą się na błędach i inne historie [Moralists. How the Swedes Learn from Their Mistakes and Other Stories]. It is a collection of interviews and reports revolving around the topic of Sweden as a multicultural society. She taught Polish culture at Stockholm University and from 2006 to 2012 she was the head of Polish Institute in Stockholm. As a publicist, she collaborates with “Krytyka Polityczna” and “Gazeta Wyborcza”.