Piotr Mikołajczak

Piotr Mikołajczak – co-author the IceStory blog and the book entitled  „Szepty kamieni. Historie z opuszczonej Islandii” [The Whispers of the Stones. Stories from Desolate Iceland].


About the blog IceStory:
Icestory.pl – from the very inception of the blog, the main purpose of the authors was storytelling. Preferably telling of such stories that are hard to find. Hidden tales, bitter truths about Iceland. From time to time, Berenika and Piotr also discuss on their blog Scandinavia in general. In April 2017 their debut in the reportage genre was published – „Szepty kamieni. Historie z opuszczonej Islandii” [The Whispers of the Stones. Stories from Desolate Iceland].


Info about the book:
Iceland – an island of active volcanoes and gigantic glaciers, hot springs and thousands of waterfalls. An area equal to one third of Poland inhabited by less than four hundred thousand people. Berenika and Piotr, the authors of the blog IceStory, settled in Iceland to learn about the real life in a country that tempts and delights with its raw beauty, but also demands a lot from its inhabitants. Their book shows the unknown, undescribed in the guides, face of Iceland. Without depriving it of any of its charm, they tell what was untold.